Home > Category > Signaling Pathways > Membrane Transporter/Ion Channel > Calcium Channel > Benidipine


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Catalog No:CL2664A CAS No.:105979-17-7 MDLNo: Formula:C28H31N3O6 MW:505.56
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Product Overview
Product Name Benidipine
Storage conditionStore in a dry and dark sealed container, short-term (weeks to months) storage at 0-4 ℃, long-term (months to years) storage at -20 ℃.
Product details

Benidipine is a potent and orally active calcium channel antagonist. Benidipine shows anti-apoptosis effects in ischaemic/reperfused myocardial cells. Benidipine increases the activity of endothelial cell-type nitric oxide synthase and improves coronary circulation in hypertensive rats.

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