Home > Category > Signaling Pathways > Immunology & Inflammation > Thrombopoietin Receptor > Avatrombopag Maleate(AKR-501 maleate; E5501 maleate; YM477 maleate)

Avatrombopag Maleate(AKR-501 maleate; E5501 maleate; YM477 maleate)

ChemLeader 98+%
Catalog No:CL2673 CAS No.:677007-74-8 MDLNo: Formula:C33H38Cl2N6O7S2 MW:765.73
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Product Overview
Product Name Avatrombopag Maleate(AKR-501 maleate; E5501 maleate; YM477 maleate)
Storage conditionDry, dark and at 0 - 4 ℃ for short term (days to weeks) or -20 ℃ for long term (months to years).
Product details

Avatrombopag, also known as AKR-501, YM477, AS 1670542 or E5501, is a novel orally-active thrombopoietin (TPO) receptor agonist. AKR-501 specifically targeted the TPO receptor and stimulated megakaryocytopoiesis throughout the development and maturation of megakaryocytes just as rhTPO did. AKR-501 may be useful in the treatment of patients with thrombocytopenia.  

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