Home > Category > Talaporfin | ME2906 free acid | Mono-L-aspartyl chlorin e6 free acid | NPe6 free acid

Talaporfin | ME2906 free acid | Mono-L-aspartyl chlorin e6 free acid | NPe6 free acid

ChemLeader 98+%
Catalog No:CL2896 CAS No.:110230-98-3 MDLNo: Formula:C38H41N5O9 MW:711.76
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Product Overview
Product Name Talaporfin | ME2906 free acid | Mono-L-aspartyl chlorin e6 free acid | NPe6 free acid
Storage conditionStore in a dry and dark sealed container, short-term (weeks to months) storage at 0-4 ℃, long-term (months to years) storage at -20 ℃.
Product details

Talaporfin sodium, can be used in intraoperative photodynamic therapy (PDT) with a 664-nm semiconductor laser, was evaluated for efficacy and safety in treating primary malignant parenchymal brain tumors.

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